One Love: Black Lives Matter

Like so many of you, I am heartbroken by the unjust deaths of our black and brown brothers and sisters.  

Like so many of you, I’ve grappled with my own unconscious and conscious biases.

Like so many of you, I’ve tried to wrap my head around what and how I will bring this into my own home so that I can make sure that my children are part of fighting racial disparities and part of the change.  

I am biracial.  I am half Colombian and half Jewish-American.  My mother immigrated from Colombia.  My mother-in-law immigrated from Ireland.  My step-mother immigrated from Senegal.  My sister’s mother-in-law immigrated from Israel. 

I have always joked that my family is like the United Nations.  And I wrongfully assumed that I didn’t have to talk about race and racism with my children because our family is a rainbow of beautiful colors and cultures.  

I was wrong.

Silence makes one complicit.

So about two years ago I decided to explore ways to talk to my kids (and kids in general) about race.  I found a site called Raising Race Conscious Children.  They had many resources that I was able to learn from.  I furthered my work in exploring race by joining Montclair’s Fund for Educational Excellent watch group of the documentary America To Me.  We have met weekly for the past several weeks to discuss the film and recent events. We have looked in the mirror and asked ourselves how we can interrupt systemic racism and show up in solidarity with the Black community. This has been really helpful in getting comfortable with uncomfortable topics.  I feel more empowered to share my thoughts and engage in conversations.  

More importantly, I feel a stronger than ever commitment to take immediate action.  We can and we must, do better.  

This is my commitment:

I will take action against racism.

I will listen to and amplify Black voices.

I will educate myself and be in the conversation even when it’s uncomfortable.

I will stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and BIPOC voices.

I will create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone in my community.

“So often, people are waiting for a leader to come along. You don't have to 

wait for someone else.”

---Bettina Love